Tuesday, July 24, 2012

ENT Visit

Well, around February I started to worry that my hearing in my left ear was going downhill. I hadn't had a hearing test since high school (9 years ago) and I started saying, "What?" a lot. It was bothering me, so I made an appointment with my local Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Turns out my hearing is fine, by the way.

During the appointment he mentioned something about screwing something into my head and good hearing results as a possibility on the right side (I was only worried about the left, of course) and I blew him off. I actually said something to the fact of, "I've been living this way for 27 years and I am doing just fine. I don't want to ruin it." HA!

His comment, however, got me to thinking and doing some research.

In 1986 my parents took me to an otologist to discuss the different options available. I was a baby. The otologist, who now/still practices in St. Louis (I believe), gave the opinion to my parents to not do anything until I'm old enough to make my own decision. Thank God he did and my parents took heed. He moved to Cali when I was 9 months old and suggested that I go to a different doctor in Michigan.

Apparently, the doctor recommended to me to see is still practicing. When I went back to get my hearing results, I told the ENT that I was a fool for not considering something that would really positively change my life and he gave me the doctor recommended to me's number at the Michigan Ear Institute for more consideration.

I called and made an appointment right away to see if I was a good candidate. Unfortunately, they are busy people and I couldn't get in for six weeks. It was, what I thought would be the longest six weeks of my life - I was wrong :)

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